The Sheriff's Office has a fully functional Reserve Deputy Program. The Reserve Deputy Program consists of a Captain, Lieutenant, two Sergeants, and 16 Deputies. Our Reserve Deputies are initially put through a 40 hour, state mandated, training program that deals with state statutes and rules governing Law Enforcement Officers. They are then put through a 40 hour in-service program that deals specifically with our polices and procedures. Reserve Deputies are also required to observe full time Deputies for 40 hours in a patrol car. After completing the above mentioned training, a Reserve Deputy then is observed and evaluated by full time Deputies for 40 more hours. After completing all of this training a Reserve Deputy is then allowed to work shifts without direct supervision.
The Reserve Deputy Program is a very important Division of the Sheriff's Office. Reserve Deputies assist full time Deputies with normal patrol duties. They work security at different events such as Jay County High School athletic events, Jay County Fair, Antique Tractor and Engine Show, Motor Vintage Bike Show and they provide security for the Jay County Hospital.